
Coping With Lockdown Starts With Focusing on What We Can Control (Part Two) coping mechanism covid 19 lockdown psychotherapy May 18, 2022
Photo by Alexas Fotos at Unsplash

Most of us are blessed with creature comforts that we often take for granted. Truth is, we are so used to having such abundance, freedom, and instant gratification that when something stands in our way, we feel blindsided. Our tolerance levels for discomfort are...

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Coping during Lockdown Starts with Focusing on What We Can Control (Part One) coping mechanism covid 19 depression focus hope lockdown psychotherapy Apr 13, 2022

Photo by Erik McLean on Unsplash

Here we go again…Melbournians enter their 6th lockdown and 60% of Australia is doing the same.  What may feel to some as a continual roller coaster of being in and out of lockdown, can be fatiguing as our emotions go along for the ride.


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